Be Part of a School You Can Love
Imagine looking forward to your job every day because you know you are doing something world-changing, because you love your work and the people you work with, and because your job, as great as it is, also leaves you time to enjoy life outside of it. You would want to build a career at a place like that - and that's how we want our staff to feel about BelovED. |
We are tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable mutuality. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The "I' cannot attain fulfillment without the 'Thou.' Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our ultimate end must be the creation of the Beloved Community. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(We are constantly growing and hiring additional teachers and staff.)
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Collegiality and Communication
Collegiality and two-way communication are central elements of our school design and reflect our team-approach to school operations. Grade-level teachers meet as a professional learning community. There are also weekly meetings of grade-level Head Teachers and their Dean of Instruction and Dean of Students to review student learning progress and behavior and to explore solutions to individual student or school-wide challenges. In addition, every teacher has frequent, individual meetings with their Dean of Instruction. As a cap to all of this, at the end of every school year, three days are scheduled for staff to assess what went well during the preceding year and to identify and discuss where improvements might be made. The first day is devoted primarily to reviewing student learning data and student, parent, and staff surveys, to brainstorming, and to free and facilitated discussion (both in grade‐level groups and faculty‐wide). The next two days are action‐oriented, with staff collegially developing plans to solve problems and/or broaden the implementation of successful innovations. We believe that good decisions get made when decisions are informed by the insights of every community member, and that communities thrive when their members respect the decision-making process, knowing that everyone's voice was heard.
Compensation & Our Career Ladder
Starting salaries at BelovED will be based on a new teacher's experience, and will be comparable to those in the Jersey City School District. But unlike the District, salary increases will not be a function of longevity. Instead, salaries will rise with the achievement of high performance (as partially evidenced by student learning) and with increases in an educator's responsibilities. Over a working career, compensation at BelovED will likely be higher than at most schools - which is made affordable by BelovED's education model, which works optimally with larger-than-average class sizes. Meanwhile, our career ladder will offer educators many opportunities for increased leadership, as well as compensation. The ladder will detail the responsibilities and performance standards at each rung, from novice, to grade-level Head Teacher, to school leader, and will provide clear pathways for professional growth. We plan to develop a network of schools. If our plans are successful, new leadership opportunities will be constantly opening up for those who are qualified.