
------Per Handbook------




BelovED offers free bus transportation to and from school as a privilege, not as a core part of its school program.  Scholars shall ride only their assigned bus and board and disembark at their assigned stops.  Any changes in these assignments must be approved in writing by school administrators who will inform the bus driver of the change. Changes may or may not be possible due to bus capacity and routing.  Any request for changes from parents may take up to 7 working days for change confirmation.  


Scholars are required to follow the rules and regulations of riding a public school bus. The driver of a school bus shall have complete authority over and responsibility for the operation of the bus and maintaining good conduct upon the bus. The driver or any bus attendants shall report to school administrators any misconduct on the bus or any violation of the driver's instructions.  The Head Dean (BelovED’s Principal) or the Head Dean’s designee may take action on any misconduct, which occurs on a school bus, the same as if the violation had occurred on school grounds.


Scholars who fail to comply with the rules may be suspended and/or removed indefinitely from receiving bus service if the violation warrants. 


------Per Honeywell------


Cell Phone Use on Buses, scholars may:


1. Listen to music with headphones only if the phone itself is tucked away and not visible. Scholars must set up their phones after they are seated and before the bus departs.


2. Communicate with a parent prior to boarding the bus. Once the scholars are on the bus, they can listen to music (above) or they must put the phone in a secure location such as a backpack or coat pocket. No phone calls/texts can be made on the bus.

Tablets and other electronic devices are NOT permitted at all.

Once the bus has departed, scholars may NOT take out a cell phone for use even if it is to play music or calling home.


In the event there is a violation of this policy, the scholar's cell phone will be taken by an adult transportation staff member and it will be returned only to a parent or guardian who will be asked to pick it up at school.


Please note that we do have programs in place for parents to check bus progress. Therefore, we will continue to discourage students from bringing phones to school in general.


We take no responsibility for lost or stolen cell phones. If this policy is continually violated, the scholar may lose bus privileges all together. We thank you for your assistance in reviewing this policy with your scholar.


------Per Summer Email------


A few notes and updated policies:

  • Empowerment scholars share the same bus routes at BelovED K-5 students

  • Buses usually run behind on the first few days of school, however please still be at your scholars bus route 10 minutes early as the bus routes are being worked out as there are some places that the school bus cannot wait. If the bus is able to pull over, the bus will only wait at the assigned bus stop for 30 seconds after the scheduled time before leaving the stop.
  • A person from the approved pick up list must be at the stop to pick up your scholar. Our attendants are not permitted to leave a child at a bus stop alone or with an unapproved pick up. If you are not at your stop at the scheduled time your scholar will be taken back to the school and late fees will be assessed.
  •  For 4th grade and above you may request permission to walk home
  • A new policy for this school year is that scholars will not be permitted to switch school buses during any given week, unless your address should change. This is for the safety of our scholars.
  •  Busing will start on the first day of school.

If you will be picking up your scholar on any day you MUST email [email protected], before 11:00am.

For any questions or changes please EMAIL, [email protected] and we will be sure to respond to your request.


------Per our Family Bus Contract------

Parents we need your help in enforcing the rules on the bus.  If the children see that the bus rules are important to the parents, then, the bus rules will be obeyed by the children.


 Please go over these rules with your child. 



  • Absolutely no eating food, candy, gum or any drink except bottled water.Respect the bus. Any report of vandalism will result in a fine. No writing on the seat and no cutting the seat. 
  • No disrespectful or inappropriate language.
  • Respect the bus driver and aide at all times.
  • Students must stay seated in their and keep their seat belts fastened.
  • Keep the aisle clear. All backpacks and personal items must be out of the aisle.
  • Keep the bus clean. Do not throw paper or trash on the floor. 
  • Do not yell or throw anything out the window, do not stick any part of your body out the window.
  • Use indoor voices. No yelling or screaming. 
  • No cell phones or electronic devices unless otherwise instructed by your bus aide.  
  • All policies found in the Family Handbook are in effect while on the bus. 
  • No physical contact.  Fighting will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension from the bus.


  •  Respect the Bus Driver and Aide.
  • Parents should not show aggression towards the bus aide or driver.
  • We model respectful conversation at all times.
  • Do not ask the bus aide for their phone number in order to call them when the bus is coming.
  • Any issues  with other students, other parents, or staff, contact the school immediately 
  • NO SMOKING near the bus!
  • Do not step onto the bus at any time during drop-off or pick-up. 
  • Be at the bus stop 5 minutes early for pickup and drop off.
  • NEVER approach another person’s child. Report issues to the driver or the Bus Coordinator.
  • Please know your child’s bus number, route number and driver's name.
  • If you own a smartphone, please download our bus tracking app
  • Never cross in front of the bus

If there is an incident either on the bus or at the stop, ask the bus aide to put in an incident report or call/email Bus@, if the aide is not available.

When the Bus stop sign is out, do not pass the bus, it is the Law 


If the rules are not followed, the student may have a conduct report written up by the bus staff. Generally the following approach will be used:


1st write up:   The student will be called to the office to discuss what happened on the bus. A notice will also be sent to the parents/guardians via email concerning the incident report. Parents/guardians should read this and discuss with students and then sign the notice and return to the school.


2nd write up: Same process as above plus a call home by the Bus Coordinator.  


3rd write up:  Call home by the Dean of Students & a 2 day suspension from the bus. 


4th write up:  Mandatory meeting with the Dean of Students, parents & child with


5th write up:  A phone call from the Bus Coordinator and removal from the bus services for an extended period of time.   


Remember that the purpose of the rules are to keep students safe. Riding the bus is a privilege and should be a good experience for all those involved! Children learn by our example.  The staff and parents are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner. 


Thank you for your support!